A dawn breaks open,
Preparations poised on their toes,
A moment of a lifetime,
Awaiting its sacred muhurta to arise.
O Divine Mother, Nitya Youvanna Rupini,
Sustaining Brahmanda within your womb,
Grant us the honor
To adorn you with the guiding star, your nose ring.
O Maa Aghoreshwari,
Clad in fierce tiger skin,
Grant us the privilege
To drape the universe as your saree.
O Maa, Ida Pingala Sushmapranarupini,
Ruler of the three realms,
Bestow upon us the privilege
To adorn you with the Trishula.
O Maa, Rakta-Bali Priye,
Rudira Vibhushini,
Grant us the honor
To serve you with the Tara Sword.
O Maa, Ugra Tara,
Crowned with the Pancha-mudras,
Bless us with your grace,
To adorn you with the Mundamala.
O Maa, Neelasaraswati,
Adorned with Nagas as anklets,
Grant us the grace
To adorn you with anklets of silver bright.
O Maa, Jagadathri Tara,
Purifier of all sins,
Grant us the boon
To serve you with the sacred Khappar.
O Maa, Tarini, Vajra Pushpa Priye,
Compassionate mother, Mokshadatri,
Grant us the grace
To adorn you with the Mukuta.
Joy Tara, Joy Joy Tara,
No bound for Tarananda, Paramananda,
A festival of lifetimes at Tarapith,
To serve you with all ornaments.
O Maa, your blessings, an endless river,
Guide us, protect us, as we transcend.
Grant us the strength to walk your path,
At your feet, we are boundless and free.