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The tithi of navami in the month of Ashwin, during the Ardra nakshatra within Pitru Paksha, marks the start of the first and most powerful kalpa of Durga upasana. In this form, Bhagwati Durga takes the form of the eighteen-armed Ugrachanda, who destroyed the Asura lord during the first of three kalpas in which this…

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Unlike the popular idea today, Kārttikēya, also known as Subrahmanya or Kumara, was a widely revered god in North India until the 1st millennium of the Common Era. The iconography of Kārttikēya varies significantly; he is typically represented as an ever-youthful man, riding or standing near a peacock, dressed with weapons, and sometimes shown near…

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Vatuka Mahabhairava

वरवीरयोगिनीगणसिद्धावलिपूजितांघ्रियुगम् | अपहृतविनयजनार्तिं वटुकमपादानाभिदं वन्दे || - अभिनवगुप्त (975-1025) 'I salute Vatuka, the remover of pain, who took away the troubles of people; whose pair of limbs are worshipped by a string of the best— the vira-s, yogini-s, and siddha-s.' The reason for invoking Vatuka (when done correctly) is to manage all the negative forces that may affect…

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Akal Bodhan, or the untimely awakening, while not originating from the Valmiki Ramayana, has had such a powerful impact on the consciousness of the Hindu people that even today the celebration of Durga carries on unabated and continues to grow year after year during this particular period. The Shakta texts have a retelling of this episode.…

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