Eclipses, especially solar eclipses, are considered one of the most powerful times for sadhana, though normal temples remain closed. Tantric texts recommend special mantra purashcharan during a grahan, and initiation into new sadhana during this period is highly recommended, except if the duration of the eclipse includes either sunrise or sunset—then that grahan is to be rejected, except for those aiming to take on a monastic life; otherwise, it leads to loss of wealth, life, and relationships.
If a solar eclipse occurs during the months of Kartika, Ashwin, Magha, Agrahayana, Phalgun, or Shravan, it is considered most powerful for mantra diksha and mantra anusthana. Some texts recommend reciting the Gayatri mantra of one’s ishta devata during the eclipse, while certain Tantras mention that for any Vaishnava sadhana during a grahan, it is best to start with one round of the Krishna Gayatri mantra before the actual sadhana.
For other sadhanas, one should take a bath at the start of the grahan, then sit down following the standard rules of mantra japa and continue reciting the mantra until the end of the eclipse period. Afterward, one may offer 1/10 homa of that mantra, perform tarpana, abhisheka, and finally, feed Brahmins who have obtained diksha in the sadhana of that particular devata. Another recommendation is to immerse oneself in a holy river during the eclipse period while continuously chanting the mantra of the sadhana being performed.
In traditional Jyotisha, the Sun represents the ego in a person, the center or “I” sense within, which, when obliterated, can lead to the Atma. When the Sun is eclipsed by Rahu, it creates a tremendously powerful energy in the atmosphere, making any actions performed during this time have a much greater impact than at other times of the year. Both negative and positive effects are accentuated during this period. It is not a favorable time for normal dharmic activities due to Rahu’s influence but is highly suited for works aimed at mukti, moksha, or siddhi. Sadhakas have been utilizing eclipse periods to accelerate the Shakti of their mantra japas since ancient times.