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Taramala- Bead 9


Ninth bead of the Taramala

O Tara, I am a fool, without strong faculties,

I know no shastras, no detailed rituals,

Yet, I long to see you, Mother,

Train me hard, guide my steps, Maa.


Compassionate master, bestowed Tara nama,

Guide me in sowing and nurturing it,

I patiently await its growth,

Trim my weeds, sculpt this beeja into reality.


Everything comes at a cost, isn’t it, Maa?

What must I sacrifice to move forward?

Churn my doshas, prepare me, Maa,

Grant me soubhagya, to serve you.


Only the worthy receive your karuna,

Master speaks the truth,

With all my doshas, it may span lifetimes,

Yet stay with me, Maa, through every birth,


Siddha gandharvas serve your feet,

Happy to be churned, enjoying every step,

Many lives, one single dream:

Taradasa to hold your feet, Maa.



11.07. 24


This is the ninth bead of the Taramala. Taramala is a collection of poems dedicated to the divine Mother Tara and Batuka Bhairava, where each poem represents a bead in a mala dedicated to Maa Tara. These poems are dedicated to the lotus feet of the master who introduced the Nama-Amrutham of Maa Tara to me.


Sri Pavankumar, who writes under the pen name of Tāradāsa, is a member of Kamakhya Bhairava Upasaka Foundation. He is an ardent devotee of Ma Tara and Bhairava. The following lines shared by him exemplify his bhakti towards his Ishta-

‘Bhagawati’s guard,
Her name my shield and my strength,
I obey her call.’



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