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Journey of Skanda

न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थं न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् । चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥ (Salutations to Sri Subramanya) I know neither Words, nor their Meanings O Lord. I know neither Poetry, nor Prose, but within the Core of my Heart, I see the Conscious Effulgence of Your Six Faces, which is…

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Turiya in Māṇḍūkya Upanisad

nāntaḥ-prajñam, na bahiṣ prajñam, nobhayataḥ-prajñam na prajnañā-ghanam, na prajñam, nāprajñam; adṛṣtam, avyavahārayam, agrāhyam, alakṣaṇam, acintyam, avyapadeśyam, ekātma-pratyaya-sāram, prapañcopaśamam, śāntam, śivam, advaitam, caturtham manyante, sa ātmā, sa vijñeyaḥ. - Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad. One of the standard ways in which Upanishads speak of the supreme reality is by means of telling us what it is not. For example in the above verse on Turiya,…

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While many Vedantic schools have fought over the ontological and philosophical status of Maya, in Shakta worldview Maya is the creative power of the Supreme. It is by acts of exclusive concentration that the Supreme is able to create a world of apparent divergence on the substratum of the Brahman. The gods are different from…

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Mahākālī by Sri Aurobindo

Mahākālī is Adya Shakti in the pantheon of Dasa Mahavidya-s. She is the Mother from which all else has come, the first point of creation, an eternity of existence, and the undisputed mastery of the occult worlds. Sri Aurobindo writes beautifully on the spiritual significance of Mahākālī, while describing the four most powerful aspects…

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On Mahashivaratri

  असित-गिरि-समं स्यात्‌ कज्जलं सिन्धु-पात्रे सुर-तरुवर-शाखा लेखनी पत्रमुर्वी। लिखति यदि गृहीत्वा शारदा सर्वकालं तदपि तव गुणानामीश पारं न याति॥ O, great master! Even, if one were to assume that the blue mountain, the ocean, the heavenly tree, Parijata, and the earth are the ink, the ink-pot, the pen and the paper respectively and the goddess of learning (Saraswati)…

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Power of Eclipse

While eclipses are considered to be dangerous times wherein most temples are kept closed and various kinds of sutaka are followed, it is also an ideal time for sadhana and attaining siddhi. The sandhya bhasa of Tantric texts - twilight language - refer to fantastic number of japas to be performed for a mantra or…

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Yogis who don’t Succeed in One Lifetime

What happens to a Yogi who does not attain to the highest condition in one birth? We have the words of Sri Krshna in the Gita resolving this query from Arjuna. * * * अर्जुन उवाच: अयतिः श्रद्धयोपेतो योगाच्चलितमानसः । अप्राप्य योगसंसिद्धिं कां गतिं कृष्ण गच्छति ॥ Arjuna said: He who takes up Yoga with faith, but cannot control…

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