The tithi of navami in the month of Ashwin, during the Ardra nakshatra within Pitru Paksha, marks the start of the first and most powerful kalpa of Durga upasana. In this form, Bhagwati Durga takes the form of the eighteen-armed Ugrachanda, who destroyed the Asura lord during the first of three kalpas in which this…
Ma Kāmākhyā
The story of Kāmākhyā starts from a very ancient time when Narakasura, who was the son of Varaha Avatara of Viṣṇu and Bhoodevi, battled the daitya-s who lived in Kamrupa and took over this land. He was then instructed by Varaha on the methods of worshipping Mahamaya and thus the Shaktipitha of Kāmākhyā came…